Wednesday 2 January 2013

How to Avoid Getting Scammed on New Year’s Eve Champagne

How to Avoid Getting Scammed on New Year’s Eve Champagne

I talked about surface tension of the bubbles in champagne before and how surface tension instruments or your own eyes can understand the differences in champagnes.  This article explains it a little more of the difference between American 'Champagne' and the real Champagne.  Pour it down the side of the glass to preserve some of the bubbles.   'As time increases after pouring, surfactant levels at the surface of the wine increase; these interlock in the liquid layer over the bubble caps, strengthening the surface tension and reducing the liquid velocity of the film so it does not drain away as rapidly, which extends the bubble lifespan.'

Sorry, this was posted two days after New Years but I am just finishing the last of the Champagne in my cellar.